South Arabia

Darkness prevails Aden in winter due to power outages and stoppage of power stations

The electricity crisis has returned to cast its dark shadows on the capital, Aden, with the beginning of winter, as the city witnesses repeated power outages.

Local sources explained that the main reason for this crisis is due to the government’s inability to provide the necessary fuel to operate the stations, in addition to neglect in repairing and maintaining the electricity network.

It seems that the deterioration in electricity service, which usually recurs in the summer, has begun to appear in an unprecedented manner in winter, amid a clear absence of the role of the government and the Ministry of Electricity in addressing the crisis.

In this context, the General Electricity Corporation of Aden announced a complete power outage in the city, after the President’s station stopped as a result of cutting the international line in Abyan Governorate and preventing the arrival of crude oil tankers needed to operate the station.

The corporation explained in its statement that the local authority and the General Electricity Corporation had made exceptional efforts during the past weeks, and relied on temporary solutions to ensure the minimum level of service, but these efforts were not sufficient in the absence of the necessary support from the concerned authorities. The corporation called on these authorities to assume their national and humanitarian responsibilities towards the residents of Aden and neighboring governorates. It is noteworthy that this total power outage is occurring for the first time during the winter season, which threatens serious repercussions including the shutdown of vital facilities such as hospitals and health centers, the interruption of water supplies, and the disruption of service and commercial activities.

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