South Arabia

Department of Human Rights of the Southern Transitional Council Holds an Introductory Forum on the International Day of Social Justice

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Follow-ups [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Department of human rights of the southern transitional council held van introductory forum in celebration of the international day of social justice on February 20th, 2018. Neeran Sawky, chairman of the department of human rights headed the forum while Zaher Saleh Al-Gunaid, a southern lawyer, presented a working paper on the concept and types of justice and especially social justice. He also presented the concept, principles and guarantees of social justice in Islam, international law and human rights conventions. He also talked about barriers of social justice and means of fostering social justice culture among all members of the society as a noble principle of human rights that all people in every time and place should enjoy without gender, racial or religious discrimination. Attendees interacted positively in discussing the paper.

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