South Arabia

Department of Studies and Researches discusses ways of researching cooperation with General Authority for Marine Sciences


The Department of Studies and Researches in the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, on Monday, headed by Dr. Mohammed Jaafar bin Sheikh Abu Bakr, visited the General Authority for Marine Sciences and Aquatic Researches in the capital, Aden.

During the visit, the department met with Dr. Hana Rashid Ahmed Taher, head of the authority, in which the meeting discussed a number of various issues on ways of cooperation and coordination between the Department of Studies and Researches and the General Authority for Marine Sciences, and the possibility of conducting joint studies between the two sides that simulate reality and its course in a way that serves marine sciences and fisheries wealth in the South.

In the meeting, the Department of Studies and Researches listened to a detailed explanation of the status of the authority and its most prominent work in the field of research studies that is related to fisheries in the South, as well as the difficulties faced by the authority during its work.

The meeting stressed the importance of exerting efforts, especially research, to preserve fisheries and adopt projects that contribute to the protection of the marine environment and aquatic life, stressing the need for cooperation between the Department of Studies and Researches and the Authority in order to enhance the field of marine sciences and aquatic biology, given its association with an important sector in the country, which is fisheries wealth.

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