South Arabia

Deputy of Adan Security Chief Requests Donations for Bihan and Calls for all Southern Citizens to Contribute

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Ali Al-Theeb, known as Abu Meshal Al-Kazemy, deputy of Adan Security Chief called for all southern citizens to donate for supporting the southern resistance in Bihan. Al-Kazemy issued a statement saying: dear free southern fellows, I was told by General Al-Mansoury that the southern resistance in Bihan is now without support. Therefore, we will open donations to support our heroes in Al-Alia and Al-Nahr. These donations will be used to buy weapons and ammos for our heroes. General Mohamed Al-Mansoury, the great southern leader and commander who lost his own son as a martyr a few days ago, is calling for you to support Bihan. We are free men who don’t beg anyone. I’m sure that we are able to support our heroes in Bihan. Therefore, I’m calling for you all to donate and our southern citizens abroad are requested to form a donation group to gather whatever is possible in 48 hours. Our south will be restored by acts not by words and I’m starting donations with 200 thousand Yemeni Real. Bihan is waiting for you.

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