South Arabia

Deputy of Transitional Council Media: Actions of South hatched components questioned their southern will

[su_label]SMANEWS / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_spacer size=”10″]


The deputy head of the media department of the Southern Transitional Council, Mansour Saleh, described what happened in Sayun of Hadramout governorate on Monday as revealing of the true face of the components that the so-called Yemeni legitimacy was keen to impart to the attempt to falsify the southern will.

He pointed out, in an intervention on the Al-Ghad Al-Moshreq channel, that the attempt to create southern cartoon components prompted us to question its southern, but its actions prompted us to do so, which are not southern and do not serve the southern cause, but rather serve the Brotherhood that aims to falsify the southern will and try to find a foothold after it was ejected by the southern street.

He pointed out that what Sayun witnessed reveals the strong relationship of what he calls the southern street with cartoonish components, and the powers of corruption and the forces of terrorism.

Mansour wondered how the first military zone forces that occupy the valley and the desert and are accused of supporting and harboring terrorism would come for their affiliates to demonstrate in civilian clothes.

He explained that those who arrested Sayun’s sons on Monday were soldiers from the first military region who demonstrated under what it called itself a component of the Southern National Coalition, and at the same time the same demonstrators arrested people from the city in Sayun.

Saleh described what happened in Sayun as a stain on the face of the authority and on the face of these components, and they were brought only for hatching the southern will.

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