South Arabia

Deputy Secretary-General inspects progress of joint operations in Al-Dhalea combat axis

Mr. Fadl Mohammed Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, visited on Tuesday, the joint operations building of Al-Dhalea combat axis.
At the beginning of the visit, Brigadier General Abdullah Mahdi, Head of Joint Operations, welcomed Mr. Fadl Al-Jaadi, reviewing the military situation in Al-Dhalea front, its requirements, and the difficulties the front is experiencing.
In his speech, Mahdi praised the legendary steadfastness of the southern and joint forces north of Al-Dhalea front, in light of the continued Houthi violations of the UN truce and their targeting of civilians and military sites with drones, mortars and various weapons.
For his part, Al-Jaadi affirmed the STC’s readiness to stand with Al-Dhalea front and raise all its requirements to the attention of President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, considering that Al-Dhalea front is the most powerful front to defeat Iran’s tools.
In a related context, Al-Jaadi met with members of the Executive Board of the Transitional Council of Al-Dhalea Governorate, reviewing the general political situation and the victories achieved by the southern forces in the governorates of Shabwa and Abyan, pointing out that the next stage will be promising.

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