Deputy Secretary-General of STC receives representatives of the Finnish CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation

The Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Mr. Fadl Mohammed Al-Jaadi, received on Sunday, a delegation from the Finnish CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, represented by Mr. Maruan El-Krekshi, Head of Middle East and North Africa, and Ms. Silvia Thompson, the Senior Manager.
At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Fadl Al-Jaadi welcomed the organization officials, expressing his happiness with this meeting and their visit to the capital, Aden, praising its efforts and the efforts of all organizations working to establish peace and resolve conflicts, stressing the welcome of all opinions that serve peace and work for it.
The Deputy Secretary-General clarified that “The South has suffered a lot with the unity since 1990, as it was betrayed, and its cadres were expelled and were assassinated, and its institutions were privatized, its land was occupied in the 1994 war, and it was reoccupied in 2015,” stressing that the people of the South struggled and made many sacrifices and adhered to their just right and cause according to international conventions, and will not give up their demand to restore their full sovereignty state.
Al-Jaadi stressed that the Southern Transitional Council is the legitimate bearer of the cause of the people of the South and is authorized by the people to achieve their desired hopes, and that the Transitional Council is open to just and peaceful solutions, wishing CMI organization success in its efforts.
In his intervention, Raafat Abdel Hamid, member of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs, head of International Organizations section, said that the Transitional Council “always seeks to consolidate the relationship with international organizations and institutions that aim to achieve justice and peace for peoples.”
For their part, Mr. Maruan El-Krekshi, and Ms. Silvia Thompson, expressed their appreciation to Al-Jaadi for the good reception, noting that CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation is working to meet with all parties and make efforts to resolve conflicts and establish peace, praising the Transitional Council for affording the opportunity to meet with its leaders, wishing to reach comprehensive peace solutions that end crisis in the country.