Directions to raise preparedness in effects anticipation of the depression reaching Aden

The Director General of Aden International Airport, Mr. Abdul Raqeeb Al-Omari, directed the directors of Aden International Airport departments and the technical members of the Emergency Committee to raise readiness and prepare for any emergency in anticipation of the possibility of the depression that struck the eastern governorates reaching the capital, Aden.
According to reports and bulletins from the Meteorology Sector and the Weather Forecast and Early Warning Department of the General Authority of Civil Aviation and Meteorology, which indicated the possibility of rain of varying intensity between light and moderate.
Al-Omari pointed out during a meeting attended by the Deputy Director-General and the Director-General of Authority in the Safety Sector at the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority and a number of airport department directors, the necessity of equipping technical and engineering crews to be ready for any emergency, God forbid, around the clock to try to preserve the airport’s property and the traveling public from any harm that may occur by this depression.
The Meteorological Sector – Weather Forecast and Early Warning Center of the General Authority of Civil Aviation and Meteorology warned in an urgent bulletin published that the capital, Aden, would be affected by rains of varying intensity accompanied by thunderstorms starting on Friday.