South Arabia

Dr. Al-Khabjy: Despite Variances, We Will Correct all Mistakes and the Southern Transitional Council Will Remain the Rescue Boat for All Southern People

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] In a relatively long post on his official account on face book, Dr. Nasser Al-Khabjy, chairman of the political department of the southern transitional council, said that the council is the security valve for the south and the rescue boat that we should all navigate to safety. Dr. Al-Khabjy discussed several facts and concerns that are of major importance. SAMA News is republishing the post as it is:
The southern transitional council was found to remain, continue and achieve the goals of the southern people and his rightful cause, gaining its strength from the public will of freedom, independence and development. It can never be mere a political card for any one or any party because it is the fruit of two decades of sacrifice and struggle by the southern people. It was established to achieve the southern goals and protect serious and prolonged sacrifices.
We should continue meetings and discussions with all southern people as the council should be inclusive to all the components of the southern society. This will strengthen solidarity in the south in front of all challenges to gain our upcoming political rights. Variances are very healthy as long as they are corrective, constructive, developmental and inclusive and are not to be used for destruction, isolation, stagnation or building self-serving powers. We should all have enough courage to admit variances and differences about the council’s attitudes and relations with local and regional third parties. We should admit lack of clarity and vision. Should admit singularity and guardianship over the council’s decisions without considering the council’s literature, rules and regulations. This is unacceptable and should be ratified.
To protect the council and strengthen its political performance, mistakes of the presidency should be ratified. Coordination and organization should be the base for the council’s work. We are with including others and listening to their opinions as long as these opinions will strengthen solidarity of the south and support real partnership in building our present and future according to the principle of “Southern Tolerance and Reconciliation” as it is the main pillar for the peaceful revolution of the southern people. All of us should never depart facts of reality. We should all avoid preconceptions and accusations of treason. The council is working, inside and outside the south, to achieve the expectations of the southern people. Construction continues inside and communication with southern figures abroad is continuing too.
The council is the rescue boat for the whole south. We should navigate it to safety in the middle of stormy waves that are hitting the whole region. The responsibility of its success and completing its organizational structure is on our shoulders all, especially during this critical stage in the south while political efforts are trying to end the war in Yemen. We all negate rumors exchanged on the social media about divisions, separations or resignations as media tools belonging to enemies of the south and the council claimed. We call for all southern people to support the southern transitional council and not to listen to rumors prepared by our enemies. It is time to care for the upcoming rights.

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