South Arabia

Dr. Al-Khabjy: Meetings of Southern Leaders in Abu Dhabi Were Very Positive, Bridged all the Gaps and Established the Pillars of the Upcoming Southern State

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Dr. Nasser Al-Khabjy, chairman of the political department of the southern transitional council and chairman of the dialogue and negotiations commission, indicated that southern meetings, fostered by Abu Dhabi – UAE represented major understandings that could be described as historic.
SMA News is publishing what Dr. Al-Khabjy wrote:
At this critical historic moment of our southern revolution that passed through natural and objectives developments till it reached the key political square after achieving major field victories, the south of today is in front of major political merits according to local changes and regional and international conditions that are all favoring the south and its cause.
In fact, geographic liberation of the south, as a direct natural result of the Storm of Determination launched by our brothers in the Arab Coalition, and what followed of establishing the Southern Transitional Council, enabled the southern people to break up the political siege imposed over the south for decades in addition to identifying the political course the southern people is sticking to until reaching its objectives. This should be supported by a southern political vision that makes the southern people’s political decision a ground fact to achieve our expectations of an independent and sovereign southern state on pre-1990 borders.
Accordingly, in response to the historic, national and political responsibilities of the Southern Transitional Council under the most difficult conditions and during the most complicated stages, and in confirmation to the importance of joint work and unified southern political vision, meetings of Abu Dhabi, generously hosted by UAE, witnessed major understandings that could be described as historic as all national figures were ken on rapprochement and unifying the political vision and path of the southern national line.
Meetings were very fruitful as many points and major broadlines were agreed upon. Meeting will continue till it leads to wide working plan that includes the expansion of the council, supporting its work and improving its representative and administrative functions. This will be done with the contribution of major acting southern powers inside and outside the south. We will not stop on specific points as it is a developmental process that includes dialogues and discussions over fateful issues that will define the political and administrative fate and future of the south through fulfilling people’s expectations.
It is important to support joint political work through establishing an inclusive southern political vision, in preparation to the upcoming negotiations process through establishing a unified southern negotiation team that carries the southern cause and expresses the southern people’s will in restoring their southern state as a strategic goal. This can be done through southern existence politically in the regional and international contexts, recognizing the south as a key partner in political negotiations and supporting its field existence to gain the southern political merits and achieving the rightful expectations of the southern people.
In sum, meetings of southern leaders in Abu Dhabi were very positive. It is almost the first time to be so as clarity and familiarity were dominant. The meetings achieved the desired rapprochement among leaders who had previous major differences in their opinions because of disconnection and lack of communication. Today, we are approaching together. All differences dissolved and all gaps are bridged as we all felt our patriotic and historic responsibilities towards facing the challenges and risks that surround the south, its fate and the sacrifices of its people.
Right now, the south is living a politically transitional moment that will transform the south from one stage to another advanced one. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the southern ground and to establish the pillars on which the southern people will restore his new federal state with its new regimen and modern form where we all expect justice, equality, protection of human rights, commitment of international conventions and preserving international security and safety.
Dr. Nasser Al-Khabjy
Member of presidency of the Southern Transitional Council
Chairman of the Dialogue and Negotiation Commission

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