South Arabia

Dr. Al-Khobaji chairs periodic meeting of Administrative Board of the National Assembly of Transitional Council


Dr. Nasser Al-Khobaji, Acting President of the Southern Transitional Council, Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, chaired on Thursday, the regular meeting of the Administrative Board of the National Assembly of the Transitional Council, in the presence of Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, member of the Council’s Presidency, Deputy Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, official spokesperson of the Council, and Dr. Anis Luqman, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly.

In the meeting, Al-Khobaji reviewed in detail everything that took place in the Riyadh Agreement, and what was concluded during the negotiation period, as well as what the southern issue won in terms of political gains in this agreement.

During the meeting, which was also attended by Mr. Anis Al-Sharafi, member of the negotiating council’s delegation, Al-Khobaji touched on the official visit of the delegation of the Southern Transitional Council headed by President Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Council, to the Russian Federation, and its fruitful results, and its expected implications on Southern issue.

The meeting discussed a number of issues related to the political and military aspects of the Riyadh Agreement, and their success in strengthening the position of the Southern Transitional Council in all international and regional forums, as well as the role of the Arab coalition led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the effective contribution to stop the years-long war in Yemen and lifting grievances from the two peoples in Yemen and the South.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the members of the administrative body presented their observations and comments, in addition to proposals and ideas that would raise the level of administrative and institutional work in the Southern Transitional Council, and in this regard, Dr. Al-Khobaji indicated that he would raise all that was presented at the meeting to the Presidency of the Council for consideration, stressing that the leadership of the Council is ready to receive any observations to develop the institutional work of the Council.

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