South Arabia

Dr. Al-Khubaji discusses with Supreme Economic Committee ways to limit deterioration of economy in the South


Dr. Nasser Al-Khubaji, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit of STC, chaired, on Wednesday, an important meeting with the Supreme Economic Committee of the Transitional Council.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Al-Khubaji conveyed to the attendees the greetings of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council, praising the role of the members of the Supreme Economic Committee and their constant keenness to alleviate the suffering of citizens in light of the continuous rise in foreign currencies value and the decline in the price of the local currency exchange rate.

Dr. Al-Khubaji briefed the committee members on the latest developments of the political situation in the South and the efforts of the Arab coalition countries to push for the resumption of discussions to implement the remaining provisions of the Riyadh Agreement, and to put pressure on the other party to carry out its duties towards the citizens, and alleviate the economic crisis that the country is going through, referring to the most important consultations conducted by the negotiating team with the Arab coalition countries and the ambassadors of brotherly and friendly countries.

The head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit stressed the need for the Economic Committee to play its role in confronting the war of services and crises, denouncing the other party’s repudiation of its responsibility towards the suffering of citizens, failure to fulfill its obligations, foremost of which is providing basic services and disbursing salaries on regular basis, and taking urgent measures to stop the collapse in the local currency.

The meeting called on the Arab coalition to put pressure on the other side to implement the military part of the Riyadh Agreement, especially the move of the Yemeni forces presented in Hadramout valley and other governorates of the South to confront the terrorist Houthi militia.

Al-Khubaji listened from the members of the Supreme Economic Committee to a number of visions presented regarding the current economic situation, and the most effective and immediate economic solutions that would limit the deterioration of the economy and promote it in the governorates of the South.

At the end of the meeting, Al-Khubaji stressed that the Southern Transitional Council, in its meetings with the UN envoy, stressed the need to develop a special framework to address the issue of the South within the negotiations of the comprehensive political process sponsored by the United Nations, and the importance of starting consultations without any preconditions, noting the need to put in place serious and rapid treatments, to exit from the current economic crisis, and the effects of which the citizens across the South are suffering from.

The meeting condemned the terrorist act that targeted Commander Abdul Latif Al-Sayed, stressing that the Transitional Council always works in cooperation with its regional and international partners to eradicate terrorism, pointing to the achievements of the Transitional Council forces in this aspect.

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