South Arabia

During his visit .. Chinese Ambassador: Mukalla port is a strategic sea port

The Chargé d’Affairs of the Chinese Ambassador, Zhao Cheng, accompanied by a delegation of local council officials in Hadramout Governorate, on Tuesday, inspected the progress of economic activity in the strategic port of Mukalla.
Zhao listened from Eng. Salem Ali Basamer, Chairman of the Arabian Sea Ports Corporation, to briefing about the nature of workflow at the port, its role in meeting the needs of Hadramout Governorate, and the importance of advancing development and economic growth.
Eng. Basamir said that the port of Mukalla represents the sea artery to which commercial ships arrive, loaded with various goods from East Asia and China, pointing out that it receives fuel ships and hydrocarbons to cover the needs of the local market.

The Chinese official expressed his country’s readiness to increase the volume of trade exchange, looking forward to seeing some of our high-quality local products in the Chinese markets, stressing that China seeks to activate the Silk Line Agreement signed in 2009, stressing that the port is a strategic sea outlet, linking the global trade line.

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