ESC Stands Before the Government’s Failure to Address Service Files

The Economic and Service Commission (ESC) of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting today, Wednesday, in the capital, Aden, chaired by Mr. Murad Al-Halimi, head of the ESC.
During the meeting, the ESC focused on a range of issues that directly affect living conditions and have become unacceptable, such as the deterioration of services, frequent power outages under the pretext of running out of fuel, poor water supply to citizens, and other issues.
The meeting praised the decision of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi to reconsider the partnership agreement that was relied upon to improve services and provide decent living conditions for citizens, not to increase their suffering.
The meeting attributed the deterioration of services to the government’s accumulated failure to address these files early on, in addition to the failure to take firm measures to curb the administrative and financial corruption rampant in state institutions, stressing that the lack of collective responsibility of government members is one of the most important reasons that led to the failure of the government’s work.
The meeting drew attention to the fact that excessive centralization has had a negative impact on development programs and the provision of services in all governorates of the South. In this regard, the ESC sees the need to reconsider the powers and jurisdictions and grant the governorates full powers to manage their affairs and investment and development projects away from the bureaucracy and financial and administrative corruption practiced by the government over the past years.
The meeting concluded with a set of recommendations and solutions that will be submitted to the leadership of the STC, which emphasized in their content the importance of holding accountable whoever is proven to be guilty of corruption and exploiting their position and obliging the return of looted funds, which the Prime Minister referred to in his last statement.