South Arabia

Exchange Companies in Aden Start a Strike Due to Collapse of Yemeni Riyal

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Several money exchange companies in Aden issued a statement on Monday evening and declared strike starting from Tuesday July 24th, 2018. The following is the Statement:
Because of continuous increase in exchange prices and deterioration of Yemeni Riyal in front of foreign currencies and the direct negative effects of this increase on prices of food supplies and other goods, leading citizens to more suffering, we decided to launch a strike during the day shift of Tuesday July 24th, 2018 in protest of this increase.
Awad Exchange co. and Aden Exchange co. in addition to all exchange stores in Aden confirmed the strike.
In a different context, southern activists are preparing to launch a hashtag on tweeter saying MuslimBrotherhood_ Legitimacy_ misses_ Services, in protest to currency deterioration, poor services and widespread corruption. It is noteworthy that Aden and all governorates of the south are witnessing suffocating crises while Yemeni prime minister is selling illusions to people.

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