Final Statement of the Southern Consultative Meeting

The final statement of the Southern Consultative Meeting was issued on Monday by the southern political components, parties, and civil society organizations that consecutively held its sessions for five days in the capital Aden, under the patronage of President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), under the slogan “For a New South that embodies the aspirations of the people of the South for independence and the restoration of an independent federal state of the South.” It took place after the completion of the signing ceremony of the Southern National Charter, which was attended by President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC.
The complete statement is as follows:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
“And say: Work, and Allah will see your work and His Messenger and the believers.” (Quran 9:105) Allah Almighty is truthful.
In a civilized, profound, and patriotic scene, embodied our great southern people’s true aspirations from al-Mandab Strait in the west to Almahra in the east to complete their national project of restoring and building their federal state of the South with its internationally recognized borders, Aden, the immortal capital, hosted from May 4-8, 2023 under the slogan “For a New South that embodies the aspirations of the southern people for independence and the restoration of the independent federal state of the South,” national consultative dialogue sessions held amongst southern components, political parties, and societal organizations aimed at strengthening Southern national unity and reach a constructive and purposeful dialogue language, with everyone’s realizes this momentous and historic event, in light of the regional and international orientations to address the current crisis as all 330 participants from various political parties, civil society organizations, unions, syndicates, Centers of studies, religious scholars, Sultans, Shiekhs, dignitaries, notables, judges, academicians, intellectuals, creative ones, women and youth formed a national working cell to accomplish tasks during the Southern National Consultative Meeting under the patronage of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), and his call for dialogue which with based on his firm belief that the consultative meeting will put the foundation for a national project that will lead to the restoration of the state of the South, emphasizing that the South is to and for all its people in a manner that enhances the cohesiveness and a national partnership to achieve their aspirations after bitter experience since the summer war in 1994 when forces of hegemony, tyranny, control and influence of Yemen Arab Republic invaded the South and destroyed everything that had been achieved by its people in terms of development, growth, security and stability throughout modern history, after the massive sacrifices made by the people of the South to establish a national state that represented Gulf, Arab, Islamic and global depth. As the first phase of the southern national dialogue journey both at home and abroad constituted a new station in the rapprochement between the southern political components and forces that were ravaged by past conflicts and cast an unfortunate shadow over the national alignment to confront the Yemeni occupation projects since that destructive and ominous war until the second invasion in 2015, our people and its heroic national resistance faced it with bravery, which will definitely remain a source of pride for the southern homeland.
The dialogue wheel – at first – continued abroad from mid-August 2021 until mid-April 2023, encompassing two hundred meetings that included all southern components, political parties, and societal forces. Moreover, the participants in the meeting were well aware of the national responsibility that was placed on their shoulders at the Southern National Consultative Meeting. They all rose to a high level and reached lofty positions as they sought to confront the complexities of the current situation and future challenges. They studied four documents:
* The Project of Foundations and Principles of the Southern National Charter.
* The Orientations of the Political Visions of the Current Phase.
* Foundations and Principles of the upcoming Political Negotiation.
* The Orientations and Fundamentals of Building the upcoming Federal State of the South.
Then, the participants formed specialized committees that emanated from the meeting, which worked to comprehend all visions, ideas, suggestions, and remarks and formulate them into project drafts. These drafts were then presented and approved by all participants in the consultative meeting, whose echoes reverberated throughout the world and received high follow-up and full attention from all people in the South.
After extensive discussions and numerous deliberations within the committees formed for drafting these documents, all participants emerged with the following results and recommendations:
Firstly, the Results:
– The delivered speech by President Aidarous Qasem Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC, and, Vice-President of the PLC is approved as a key document among those produced by this meeting.
– Approving the general report presented by the team of the Southern Dialogue as a document among those produced by this meeting.
– Approving the Southern National Charter document by the participating signatories.
– Approving the Principles and Regulations for the Political Negotiations document.
– Approving the Political Vision for the Current Phase document.
– Approving the document of foundations and structure of the Federal State of the South.
Secondly, the recommendations:
– The meeting urges all southern forces and components that have not participated to join the signatories of the Southern National Charter, as it represents a document of national consensus.
– Enhancing the approach, principle, and culture of reconciliation and tolerance as a fundamental principle of southern national work and reflecting that through words and actions.
– The participants stressed the importance of deepening and spreading the language of dialogue in communities as an optimal way to converge views and resolve any differences that may arise.
– The participants call on all segments of the southern community to reject the phenomenon of tribal revenge and conflict, as well as all alien phenomena in southern society. They recommend forming a national committee to carry out this noble and humanitarian task.
– The meeting emphasizes supporting a wise-led and well-balanced media discourse that preserves and enhances the cohesiveness and rapprochement of the southern social fabric.
– The participants praise the enormous and ultimate sacrifices made by our people on the path to freedom and liberation. From this place, we pay tribute in appreciation to those pure bloods that watered the soil of the South. In this respect, we mourn the souls of martyrs, wish speedy recovery for the wounded, and freedom for prisoners. Giving appreciation for their sacrifices, the attendees recommend giving utmost care to their families to preserve a dignified life worthy of what they have sacrificed.
– The participants commended our brave Southern Armed Forces and recommended strengthening their capabilities as they are the safety valve and the protective shield for our country’s defense.
– The participants recommend continuing efforts towards southern national dialogue while enhancing reconciliation and tolerance principles. They also recommend following up on the consultative meeting outcomes.
– The attendees recommend preserving cultural heritage both in Almahra and Socotra governorates and considering Mahri and Socotri languages as authentic southern languages.
– The participants recommend focusing on the youth and women, as they are pillars of the community and its future, and that they should be pushed towards advanced positions in decision-making processes.
– The attendees underscored achieving national partnership in political decisions and federal state of the South facilities and institutions as per population, area, and economic capabilities.
– The participants call on Arab countries and the regional and international communities to respect the aspirations of the southern people and their right to achieve freedom and independence and regain their independent state of the South.
In a harmonious atmosphere that prevailed during the moments and days of the blessed Southern National Consultative Meeting, Southerners affirmed that they are up to the level of the important national historical event and that they are hopeful for a promising future and looking forward to more expansive horizons. With this statement, the Southern National Consultative Meeting concluded with all respect, harmony, love, and agreement.
Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Issued by the participants in the Southern National Consultative Meeting for Southern components, political parties, and societal organizations and forces.
Aden, the capital of the South.