First Giants (Al-Amalika) brigade denies its relation to statement issued in the name of a number of Al-Amalika brigades
The commander of the first brigade of Al-Amalika, Brigadier / Raed Al-Habhi, denied his relationship with a statement issued in the name of a number of brigades of the Al-Amalika, calling for a refusal to exclude Sheikh Al-Hasani from the leadership of the brigades.
Brigadier Al-Habahi confirmed in a clarification issued by the leadership of the first brigade giants that the statement was issued without any connection of the brigade’s command and is not related to them, and without the signature of the brigade commander.
He stressed that they are in the leadership of the brigade express all appreciation and respect to the commander Al-Hasani, and at the same time they stand by the desire of the coalition, led by Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, to appoint those they consider appropriate.
Brig. Al-Habhi reaffirmed the continuation of the fighting alongside the Arab Coalition until the elimination of the Iranian Persian extension.
He also expressed the welcome to Major General Abu Zaraa Al-Maharrami to be with them.
Noteworthy that some media outlets, with names of a number of giants brigades without signing by the leaders of the these brigades, published a document directed to the leadership of the Arab Coalition in the West Coast, expressing their refusal to exclude Sheikh Ali Salem al-Hasani from his position, as leader of the giants brigade.
The issuance of this document coincided with the arrival of the Commander of the West Coast Liberation Front and the Giants Brigade Brigadier General Abu Zaraa Al-Mahrrami, again to the West Coast, who was reappointed as Commander of the Giant Brigade Forces by the Coalition.