South Arabia

Flags of the South state are present strongly in the Yearbook of Imam Al-Habashi “Matlae al-Motalie” ( The Beginning of Knowledgeable) in # Seiyun # Hadramout

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News / Seiyun / Exclusive[/su_label]


The activities of the Imam Al-Habashi Yearbook that was held as an annual tradition in the city of Seiyun, the capital of Hadramout Valley


On that occasion, the lane of Al-Hotah for folk and traditional games organizes annual activities celebration with numerous and varied forms.


Whereas the early years were limited to activities for the Shabwani game and the competition of poets of the Valley and Coast of Hadhramaut in Poetry,  a number of other social and sports activities involved that added beauty and grace to the occasion with the blessing of the local authority in the governorate, the valley, and the district.


On the evening of last Monday, December 16, 2019, the city of Seiyun hosted the largest gathering of folk and traditional games, and the game of Shabwani in particular, as it gathered upon the invitation of the presenter of the lane of Al-Houta in Seiyun with more than ten neighborhoods of a number of different regions of Hadramout valley and with the participation of some of the number of coastal neighborhoods that attended to confirm their participation with their brothers of the valley and the lane of Al-Houta in particular in that very big traditional event


What is remarkable this year is the unity of the uniforms of all players of that traditional folklore, as well as the flags of the state of South which were shown with many of the participating members.

The foreheads of the Shabwani game members were adorned with flags of the south, which gave a great picture of the love of the people of Hadramaut for their desired state, which was dominated by masters of corruption, and they are looking forward for its return soon.

Also, that night, poets sang with the love of the South, chanting a number of verses in support of the liberation march of the South, rejecting through their poems the calls for the division of the Hadrami line, that began to flow from some mouths


From time to time, the flag of the South State waves among the participants and the viewer from afar asserting that a state that raised its flags on the foreheads and inside the hearts and above the heads will not fall, and will not calm its residents roar until reaching the desired day of celebrating their accomplished liberation and the declaration of the state which its features appeared on the horizon and its light shining brightly Allah willing.

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