South Arabia

Flash Attack and Decisive Victories for the Southern Resistance in Hifan Front – East of Taiz

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Ghad Al-Musjrek – Maher Al-Halemi [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] With full support of UAE Armed Forces participating in the Arab Coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, the southern resistance troops under commandership of “Wafi Al-Ghubs” achieved decisive victories on Hifan front – east of Taiz to end the siege on Hifan and advance towards liberating Al-Rahedah.
Troops manged to liberate Al-Makail, Al-Najdain, Al-Sharaf, Al-Menshara, Al-Khazga and Safeh in addition to the hills of Manzara, Haijat Al-Jin and Ziban, overseeing the road linking Tour Al-Baha – Labous – Hifan.
Commander Wafi Al-Ghubs indicated that these victories will block the reinforcement line of Al-Houthi – Iranian militias in all directions east and south of Taiz and this will enable the southern resistance and army to advance towards Al-Rahedah securely as the militias will no longer be able to launch any attacks.
He added that these victories will add momentum to Al-Shurijah front and will end the siege of the militias on Al-Eahedah. He said: “These victories deliver a clear message to Iranian militias that we are ready to liberate Al-Rahedah”.
The militias suffered massive loses in souls and equipment. At the main time, fierce fights are on going with all types of weapons and it is expected that the upcoming hours will witness more victories in Hifan with the advance towards Al-Raheadh, east of Taiz.

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