South Arabia

Foreign Relations Committee of the National Assembly discusses its work plan and mechanism for 2022


The Foreign Relations Committee of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council held a meeting on Tuesday, headed by Abdel Fattah Muthanna Qassem, head of the committee.

At the meeting, which included the deputies head of the committee, Badr Henda and Salem Ahmed bin Daghar, the committee praised the great victories achieved at the hands of the southern Giants brigades in Shabwa governorate, and the second Hadrami uprising, by exposing the extent of corruption that was practiced against the people of the governorate in particular and the people of the South in general.

The meeting discussed the annual report of the committee’s work activity during the past year 2021, in addition to the plan for the current year 2022, and the mechanism of organizational work for the committee’s work.

The head of the committee stressed that the committee’s mission in the current and upcoming stage is a major political and diplomatic mission, and its work must be compatible with this stage.

At the conclusion, the meeting discussed the internal matters related to the work of the committee, which would improve its work in particular and the role and work of the Southern Transitional Council in general.

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