South Arabia

General Secretariat Holds Periodic Meeting and Reviews Political Landscape

The General-secretariat of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting, on Wednesday, in the capital Aden, chaired by Mr. Fadhl Mohammed Al-Gaadi, member of Presidency of the STC, Deputy of the secretary general.

The meeting discussed a report submitted by the Political Department on the political landscape, which dealt with the most prominent topics and issues on the southern scene over the past two weeks.

The meeting focused on the latest arrangements to hold the national celebration to commemorate 59 anniversary of glorious Oct.14th, reviewing a proposal submitted by the Cultural Department to revive this national day.

At the meeting, the Secretariat sincerely congratulated all teachers of the South on Teacher’s Day on Oct. 5, lauding the great exerted efforts and dedication by the southern teachers to build up a generation armed with science and knowledge.

The meeting, too, studied the policy of the Secretariat for the fourth quarter submitted by the Organisational department, as well as a report submitted by the Administrative and Financial department that has reviewed the level of job discipline in the General Secretariat during the month of September.

Likewise, the meeting stood before the developments in the capital, Aden and other governorates of the South, as well as topics related to the activities of the General Secretariat’s departments, as suggestions that can lead to boost and upgrade the workflow were presented.

The meeting reviewed and approved minutes of the previous meeting, and assimilated the presented remarks.

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