South Arabia

General Secretariat Holds Periodic Meeting; Reviews Performance Reports of its Organizational and Political Departments

The General-secretariat of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting, on Wednesday, in the capital Aden, chaired by Mr. Fadhl Mohammed Al-Gaadi, Deputy of the secretary general.

The meeting reviewed what has veen stated in the expanded meeting chaired by the president Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC, Deputy head of the Presidential Leadership Council, with Presidency of the STC, heads of committees and departments in the National Assembly and the General Secretariat, local leadership executive bodies in the governorates, Centers and dedicated committees of the STC in the presence of Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, Secretary-General, Minister of State, governor of the capital Aden, and Major General Ahmed Saeed Ben Brik, Chairman of the National Assembly, as the General Secretariat has affirmed the outcomes of that meeting and emphasized on proceeding in accordance with what has been declared and working to implement in all fields and levels.

The meeting discussed several topics related to the latest political, economic, service and security developments in the southern arena, in addition to subjects related to administrative and organizational work in departments of the General Secretariat and executive bodies in governorates of the South.

The meeting was briefed on performance report of the organizational department during the second quarter of this year, 2022, which included periodic reports, activities and events of the department, as well as the main challenges and difficulties encounter its work during the reporting period.

Likewise, the meeting studied performance report of the political department during the first quarter of the year 2022, which contained the department’s activities during the months of (January, February and March), including a summary of the organizing performance of the department as well as its most prominent activities within the framework plan for the said period, in addition to the encountered difficulties.

The meeting discussed weekly-activity report of departments of the general secretariat and the significant achievements and tasks that have been performed, in addition to reviewing and approving the minutes of the previous meeting.

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