South Arabia

General Secretariat of STC reviews report of political scene and performance of legal department


The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Wednesday, held its periodic meeting, in its headquarters in the capital, Aden,  headed by Mr. Fadl Mohammad Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General.

The meeting reviewed the political scene report submitted by the Political Department, which included the most prominent events and developments on the southern scene, top of which, the events that Crater city witnessed, and the prominent role of the security services to end the chaos caused by terrorist elements out of order and law in the city.

The meeting previewed the performance report of the legal department during the third quarter of the year 2021, and the activities of the department that are related to its tasks and organizational performance, during the mentioned period.

The meeting also touched on various topics and issues related to the work of the General Secretariat departments, foremost of which are the arrangements for commemorating the glorious October 14 revolution, and the requirements for the success of the event.

The meeting also reviewed and approved the department’s weekly achievement reports, as well as its previous minutes.

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