South Arabia

General Secretariat of Transitional Council holds its periodic meeting chaired by Al-Jaadi


The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council held its periodic meeting on Monday, headed by Mr. Fadl Mohammad Al-Jaadi, the Deputy Secretary-General.

In the meeting, Mr. Fadl Al-Jaadi reiterated that the Transitional Council’s hand is always extended to every southerner, and it is open to all of them, based on the principle that the homeland can gather all, stressing the importance of embodying the principle of reconciliation and tolerance.

The meeting discussed the recent preparations for the event of southern reconciliation and tolerance to be held in the capital Aden, as the meeting approved the slogan for the event, and the General Secretariat called on our southern people to actively participate in the event.

The meeting praised the statement issued by the Central Region Tribes Meeting, which affirmed its support for the Riyadh Agreement and the 50\50 Government, as the Southern issue is an issue of land and identity of a state that cannot be undone, and that the southern fabric is integrated and coherent, calling on the government and the Coalition to direct all forces towards the liberation of Mukairas region.

The meeting reviewed a report submitted by the political department, which included developments in the political scene in the south during the past two weeks, foremost of which were the internal and external echoes of the meeting between President Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, with Sky News Arabia.

The report touched on the terrorist incident that targeted Aden International Airport, and the importance of implementing the Riyadh Agreement, in its political, military and security parts, and the importance of the government work in Aden the capital.

The meeting reviewed and approved its previous minutes, as well as previewed the weekly activities reports for the work of the General Secretariat departments, and the most important activities to be implemented during the next week.

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