South Arabia

Giants Brigades and Storm Troops Clear Off the First Village in “Baher” and Advance to Mawia

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Arabia Al-Yemenia – Taiz – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]G[/su_dropcap]iants Brigades with backup of Storm troops and southern resistance, managed to clear off “Al-Saleeb” village, the first village in Baher – Mawia and controlled the village after expelling Al-Houthi militias out of it.
The troops continued its advance towards Mawia – Taiz and controlled several military posts where Al-Houthis used to station and target civilian houses in nearby villages.
Military sources indicated that fierce clashes occurred among Giants Brigades, Southern Resistance and armed tribal men on one hand and Al-Houthis on the other till the village is cleared off Al-Houthis who suffered massive loses and were forced to escape towards Mawia.

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