South Arabia

Giants’ Forces and Heis Resistance Advance to Arfan Bridge – South of Heis on the West Coast Front.

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Arabia Al-Yemenia – Al-Khoukha – Asil Al-Sakaldy [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Southern Giants’ resistance and Heis resistance advanced to the road linking Heis and Al-Hamely front. The troops blocked the road from Arfan bridge to Al-Zama – Heis directorate and advanced from Al-Mousheg to Al-Yabely farms then to Al-Zama – south of Heis. The troops controlled over 15 kilometers and caused Al-Houthi militias tens of killings and injuries. Abu Zaraa Al-Mahramy, General commander of the west coast front indicated that the troops achieved major advances while Al-Houthi militias retreated after their severe casualties in soles and equipment. He also indicated that these operations came in backup of the Arab Ally. Al-Mahramy also asserted that the troops will continue their advance in all west coast territories to force Al-Houthi militias, supported by Iran, out of these territories. He also indicated that the troops are now inspecting all villages nearby Arfan valley and bridge while military engineering squads are dismantling landmines and explosives implanted by Al-Houthi militias on these roads, farms and villages.

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