Governor Lamlas discusses with UNDP the qualification of women police in Aden the capital

Mr. Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, Governor of the capital, Aden, on Sunday, met with the Director of the Project to Promote Comprehensive Access to Justice of the United Nations Development Programme, Awon Hock Im, to discuss aspects of cooperation and joint coordination between the two sides.
They discussed ways to empower women, and training to qualify women police in the capital, Aden, to enable them to perform their duties efficiently and effectively, in addition to a number of development program projects in the city.
The discussed projects include rehabilitating and maintaining fish markets, ensuring that they comply with the required environmental requirements and reducing randomness.
In the meeting, Lamlas expressed the local authority’s readiness to overcome any difficulties facing the program’s work, and to provide all facilities to its teams in the capital, Aden, to achieve the maximum benefit from the projects presented in various development fields.