Governor Lamlas interrupts his foreign visit and returns to Aden the capital to stand before the electricity issue

The Minister of State, Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, returned to Aden the capital in less than 48 hours after he traveled to attend a meeting in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Lamlas cut short his visit and returned urgently to find out about the electricity file after the government and the Presidential Council renounced their obligations to provide fuel for power stations.
It is worth noting that the governor provided emergency supplies with the power stations’ stocks of fuel nearing depletion, and they would have been gradually out of service had it not been for his urgent intervention.
For its side, the Electricity corporation in Aden the capital, expressed its highly appreciation to the Minister of State, Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Lamlas, for his intervention in response to the urgent appeal launched by Aden Electricity, in which it announced a statement in this regard saying that the General Electricity Corporation of Aden appreciates the intervention of His Excellency the Minister of State, Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, by directing the concerned authorities to purchase emergency fuel to ensure the continuation of the operation of the generating stations, non-stop service and exacerbate the suffering of citizens in light of the unprecedented rise in temperature and humidity in the city.
In its statement, the General Electricity Corporation of Aden added that it calls on the Presidential Leadership Council to immediately intervene and oblige the concerned government agencies to provide and secure fuel for generation stations during the current summer, after the fuel stock of diesel and diesel is about to run out and there are no quantities that contribute to the continuity of service.
The Corporation confirms that it has previously informed all concerned government agencies through official frameworks of the need to carry out their duty to provide fuel to ensure the continuity of service during the summer season, but unfortunately these communications have not been dealt with seriously.