Governor of Aden the capital appreciates support of exchange companies in affording one month’s salaries for Fourth Military Region employees

SMA News – Aden the capital
The governor of Aden the capital, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, praised the honorable role of the owners of exchange companies represented by members of the Money Exchange Association, and their great cooperation with the local authority in dealing with the salary crisis of the employees of the Fourth Military Region, and their commitment to covering the cash of the second additional month’s salaries.
This came during his meeting in his office at the governorate office, with a number of exchange companies representatives, in the presence of Major General Fadl Hassan, Commander of the Fourth Military Region, who was devoted to discussing the efforts made to make these endeavors successful and this breakthrough that will contribute to addressing the difficult conditions of the members and cadres of the army forces of the Fourth Military Region .
In the meeting, the governor of Aden the capital, listened to the results of the meetings that took place between the owners and representatives of exchange companies and the Central Bank and the understandings reached, foremost of which are the commitment of exchange companies to afford cash for the additional second month’s salaries, which are estimated at more than 16 billion riyals, in exchange for the central bank’s commitment to issue bank notifications to the account of money exchangers, during a period of time agreed upon between the money exchangers and the Central Bank.