Governor of Aden the capital calls on Electricity Corporation to find solutions to alleviate frequent outages

The Minister of State, Governor of the capital, Aden, Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, held a meeting that included the director of the General Electricity Corporation, the director of Aden Electricity, and the directors of the regions, to find out a number of points aimed at improving the performance of the service, which is witnessing major blackouts during the summer period.
During the meeting, the Director General of the General Electricity Corporation, Eng. Abdulaziz Mohammed Ahmed, reviewed the total obstacles facing the Corporation, among them, the weakness of the general electricity production compared to the increase in loads during the summer period, which exceeded 600 megawatts, while the current losses amounted to more than 50,%, of the total production, which it exacerbated the electricity crisis and had a negative impact on the service.
For his part, the Director of Aden Electricity Salem Al-Walidi confirmed that the Corporation will launch a number of treatments to reduce waste and remove all forms of random and double connection, and the Corporation seeks, during the next few days, to facilitate the disbursement of electricity subscription meters for all without exception in accordance with the regulations and laws followed in the Corporation, and demanded that the debts to be paid in which it reached great numbers
The governor of the capital called on the institution to move urgently to find solutions to alleviate frequent interruptions and improve service performance, and stressed the need to double the efforts of emergency teams to serve citizens in this regard.