Governor of Aden the capital directs for determining faltering investment projects and stresses violators are held accountable

The Minister of State, Governor of the capital Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, stressed that the conditions today in the capital, Aden, are more ready than ever to move towards correcting the imbalances that have marred the investment and its projects over the past years, which have negatively affected investment and development activity, and planning of the city.
The speech of the Minister of State, Governor of the Capital Aden, came while presiding over a meeting that included the Acting President of the General Authority for State Lands and Real Estate, Eng. Ahmed Hassan, and the Acting Director of the State Lands and Real Estate Authority in Aden, Mr. Amer Abdullah Othman, and a number of specialists in the interest, and was devoted to discussing projects to improve and develop the city, and to review troubled investment projects and investors who have spent space for the purpose of investment and did not commit to implementing them during the past years.
Lamlas explained that the capital, Aden, lived through difficult conditions as a result of the effects and repercussions of the 2015 war, through the spread of systematic expansion operations of the state’s areas and land, which harmed the urban plan of the city on the one hand, and the failure of many investors and their lack of commitment to implement investment projects in the lands and spaces allocated to them on the other hand, this impeded the path of advancement and development in the capital, and put the local authority in front of a great challenge to overcome the reality that was formed on the cusp of the war, and required it to make a great effort to change it so that the talk about the return of the investment wheel and encouraging investors was available today in an objective, logical and practical manner.
The Minister of State and Governor of Aden the capital pointed out that the local authority and the Security Committee sought every effort to create the right ground and change the difficult reality, so it was keen to stop all rugs work, protect state lands, and remove many random developments and violators, and formed a special unit enhanced with capabilities to combat rugs and resolve disputes, It also worked to protect existing investors and projects from infringement, to support investment, encourage investors, and consolidate the basic ingredients that motivate investment in the capital, Aden.
Lamles stressed that the local authority and its executive bodies, as they were keen to preserve and protect state lands, protect investment projects and encourage investors during the previous period, are at the same time tending to correct the imbalances that marred the investment path, including the faltering projects that did not commit to implementing the projects on which they are and are in the process of taking legal measures against these Investors under the investment law.
Mr. Ahmed Lamlas directed the State Lands and Real Estate Authority in Aden to carefully list all faltering and violating investment projects, and the investors who did not abide and committed themselves to implementing their projects and raising the list during the next week.
The meeting also approved the area allocated for the establishment of the Great Park in the Khormaksar district, as well as the area allocated for the construction of the government complex in implementation of the directives of the Prime Minister, Dr. During the coming period, the approval and implementation of the two projects.