Governor of Aden the capital inspects Customs Authority and reviews work plans

The Governor of the capital Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, on Monday, inspected the headquarters of the Customs Authority in Aden to review work plans for the next stage.
Lamlas discussed with Abdul Hakim Al-Qabati, president of the Customs Authority, procedures to facilitate the work of suppliers, efforts to organize administrative and security work, facilitate the work of suppliers and stimulate commercial movement in Aden ports.
The two parties discussed ways to improve customs work in the capital, Aden, by developing the infrastructure of automated systems, following the single window system, supplying drug detection devices, and the equipment required to improve customs work.
The President of the Customs Authority expressed his appreciation for the keenness of the local authority in Aden the capital to support the Authority, stand by it, and provide all facilities that enable it to perform its tasks and responsibilities to the fullest extent.