Governor of Aden witnesses the opening of two projects in Mansoura District

Mr. Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, Governor of the capital, Aden, on Thursday, witnessed the opening of two educational and cultural projects in Mansoura District at a cost of 450 million riyals, with local funding.
The educational project included the opening of 6 additional classrooms with annexes at Al-Khansaa Basic Education School in Block 11, in addition to a project to build a hall for conferences and cultural seminars on the campus of the local authority building in the district.
Governor Lamlas stressed the interest of the local authority in the capital, Aden, in the efforts made in the development aspect in Mansoura, appreciating the role of the authority in the directorate in advancing infrastructure and improving services.
Accompanied by the director of the district, Ahmed Al-Daoudi, Lamlas inspected the progress of work in the second phase of the “project to build an integrated school for people with special needs and a kindergarten in Kaputa area, which costs 170 million, with joint funding between the local authorities in the capital and Mansoura.