Governor of Hadramout stresses interest in education sector and improve curricula to keep pace with scientific developments

The Governor of Hadramout, Mr. Mabkhout Mubarak bin Madi, on Thursday, got briefed on the final preparations for the secondary school final exams, and preparations of the tests for schools of Hadramout Governorate.
This came during his meeting with the Director of the Office of the Ministry of Education in Hadramout Coast, Amin Abdullah Baabad, who presented to Bin Madi an overview of a number of targeted programs to be implemented during the next academic year, including the computer program and its adoption in public secondary schools after completing its curricula, robot programs and artificial intelligence and expanding them in the governorate’s schools, and holding a workshop to develop teaching methods, besides the subject of the English language, and the provision of the textbook before the start of the next academic year.
Governor Bin Madi stressed interest in the education sector, providing the necessary support and providing the appropriate atmosphere to ensure the smooth continuation of the educational process and the development of curricula to keep pace with scientific developments.