South Arabia

Governor of Lahg Discusses the Situation of Prisoners and the Activation of Courts and DA Offices.

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Lagh [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Dr. Nasser Al-Khabgy, governor of Lagh, held a security meeting with deputy security Chief of Lahg, directors of national security, political security and criminal investigation, the governor’s chancellor of security, head of prosecution office, deputy general prosecutor of security, investigation and prisons, deputy general prosecutors of Al-Houta and Teben and head of prisoners’ department. The governor indicated the importance of reactivating courts and general prosecution offices in addition to improving the performance of other security systems as limitations in this side create more burden over the shoulders of local authorities. The governor had several questions concerning reserve prisons and difficulties hindering the activation of courts and prosecution offices in the governorate.
Colonel Abu Osama, deputy of security department indicated that several prisoners were transferred from reserve prisons to Mansoura prison and some of them will be released within a few days. He also indicated that prisoners’ files were sent to Mansoura for decision but these decisions were not taken yet.
Judge Mahdy Mohamed Ali, chairman of prosecution office of Lagh indicated that the task of security forces is limited to arrest and transfer to general prosecution but the most significant difficulty faced by prosecution offices is the lack of security forces for protecting members, especially with destruction of courts infrastructure. In addition, directors of political security, national security and criminal investigation indicated the importance of collaborative work among all security systems and courts and prosecution offices. Saleh Mahmoud, director of the governor’s office, attended the meeting

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