South Arabia

Governor of Socotra discusses reasons of the failure of water project in Aifet with general manager of water reservoirs and tribal leaders of the coast

[su_spacer size=”10″][su_label]Socotra – SMA[/su_label][/su_spacer]

Ahmed Abdullah Ben Hamdoun, Governor of Socotra, met the general manager of water reservoirs and tribal leaders of the coast to discuss reasons of the failure of water project in Aifet. During the meeting, he listened to a detailed report about the project, previously funded by the social fund of development. He also indicated the importance of the project to provide residents with fresh water as this area suffer from the lack of fresh water. Furthermore, he directed local authorities towards coordinating the project with Khleefa Ben Zaid’s fund for Human aids to establish a separate unit like Kalansia’s water reservoirs and to do so during September and October 2017. General manager of water reservoirs and sanitation indicated that the project targets to provide fresh water for nearly (8000) Socotra’s residents and the current network suffers from several problems due to the suspension of financial support for the archipelago. Tribal leaders acknowledged the role of local authorities and UAE government as major supporters nowadays.


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