Governor of the capital visits Aden refinery and discusses with its leadership restoring its economic role

SMA NEWS – Aden The Capital
The Governor of the Capital Aden, Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, paid on Tuesday, an inspection visit to Aden Refineries Company in Boraikah.
Upon his arrival at the company’s headquarters, accompanied with Major General Mutahar Ali Naji, Director General of Aden Police, the governor held a closed meeting with the Deputy Director General and a number of department directors and heads of sectors in the refinery.
In a speech during the meeting, the governor emphasized the economic value that the refinery represents for Aden and the country as a whole, indicating that for several reasons it abandoned its economic role, which it had been playing until recently.
The governor touched on the importance of the role that the refinery is supposed to play, especially at this stage, which requires concerted efforts and unification for the sake of the citizens who expects a lot.
The governor added: “the work is a collective responsibility, and the refinery is a central facility, but our responsibility as an authority, and your responsibility as its leadership, lies in its revival, turning on its torch back to glow, and the return of the wheel of work in it, today we are experiencing an electricity crisis and an asphalt crisis, where road projects are stalled due to the lack of this matter, stressing that ” Whoever wants to keep the refinery flame extinguished, wants to kill Aden and its people. ”
The governor continued, saying: “You fought and sacrificed for Aden in 2015, and today you must continue the struggle, and we are your soldiers to resist all attempts to kill the refinery and its great role.”
Lamlas continued, saying: “We came to you today asking you and looking for solutions from you by your experience and your competence to help us to overcome the problem of supplying electricity with fuel, and if someone wants Aden to live in the midst of this suffering, then you and all of its sons will not be satisfied with that. ”
The meeting discussed a group of strategic solutions that ensure that crises do not persist and are managed with modern work mechanisms.
The governor Lamlas listened from Eng. Saeed Mohammad bin Mohammad, Deputy Director of Aden Refineries, pointing to the most prominent problems facing Aden refineries, which caused the absence of their national role and hindered them from performing the tasks they are supposed to perform.
A number of officials at the refinery also spoke at the meeting and included a set of proposals to ensure the operation of the refinery and the restoration of its activities.
In the context of the visit, Governor Lamlas visited the project of constructing the power plant and got acquainted from the Chinese experts on the progress of work and the level of completion of the project.
In addition, the governor of Aden the capital, directed not to allow construction on the refinery’s campus and promised to remove any innovations or construction works on the site.