Graduation of 450 officers from the Police College in Hadhramaut

Mabkhout Mubarak bin Madi, Governor of Hadhramaut, witnessed the graduation of 450 officers from the first and second batches, special section “university” and the first general section “high school”, at the Police College in Hadhramaut.
The graduates displayed their skills with a military display in the college field, reflecting the level of discipline, readiness, and high morale of the college students. They chanted, “Loyalty to Allah, then preserving the soil of Hadhramaut and the homeland, staying up to preserve the security of the citizen, cutting off strife, and standing in the way of attempts to undermine the stability of the citizen or public and private property.” “.
Governor bin Madi said that everyone stands in reverence and admiration for the great achievement achieved by Hadhramaut, Shabwa, Al-Mahra and Socotra, with the construction of the “Police College” in Hadhramaut, as an academic and scientific edifice, praising the college’s role in graduating qualified and trained young leaders.
He pointed to the formation of the Hadrami elite and the Police College, in light of the necessity of building a force from the people of the governorate that bears the responsibility of maintaining security, after the fall of the city of Mukalla in 2015, at the hands of elements of the terrorist Al-Qaeda organization.