Hadrami Uprising calls on the governorate authority to stop delivering revenues to the Central Bank

Sheikh Hassan bin Saeed Al-Jabri, Chairman of the Executive Committee for the outputs of Hadramout General Meeting, Haru, leader of the second Hadrami uprising, expressed his support for the statement of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council about the recent developments in the South in general and especially Aden the capital.
Al-Jabrii confirmed in a statement on Wednesday, that the living and service conditions in Hadramout and the southern governorates have reached a dangerous stage of deterioration and collapse as a result of corruption, conspiracy and tampering of the prime minister.
Al-Jabrii stressed standing by the southern political leadership, represented by President Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, in the face of conspiracies to target the people of the south, its political leadership and its valiant armed forces.
Al-Jabri said that the southern armed forces are the impenetrable bulwark of the South, in terms of land and people, adding that the people of the South, from Al-Mahra to Bab Al-Mandab, stand firmly and strongly in the face of the conspiracies and those involved with them.
He appreciated the decision of the governor of the capital, Aden, Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, to stop the supply of revenues to the Central Bank, in order to work to reform the service and living conditions in the capital, calling on the local authority in Hadramout governorate to keep the revenues in the central bank in Hadramout to save the people of Hadramout from the collapse of services and difficult living conditions.