Head of NSMA Pays a Visit to “South 24” Center for News and Studies

Mr. Salem Thabet Al-Awlaqi, head of the National Southern Media Authority (NSMA) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), paid a visit on Thursday to the headquarters of the “South 24” Center for News and Studies in the Capital, Aden.
During his visit, Mr. Al-Awlaqi met the director of the Center in Aden, Mr. Yaqoub Al-Sufiani, indicating that this visit comes within the direction of NSMA to create good communication relations with southern institutions and media centers.
Mr. Al-Awlaqi explained that the media role of “South24” in publishing a professional media discourse both to internal and external opinion has proven effectiveness in drawing a positive image of the cause of the people of the South, explaining that the media of the South needs such a conscious media discourse that presents itself to the local community and the world at the highest level of professionalism and objectivity towards the political, service, and economic conditions in the South and other files and issues of interest to the center.
For his part, Mr. Al-Sufiani, Director of the “South 24”, gave an explanation of the nature of the center’s work and its role in publishing a professional southern media discourse through news, studies, and translations to explain the cause of the people of the South and correct some negative stereotypes about the South and what is going on the ground.
At the end of the meeting, which was attended by Mr. Bashraheel Hisham Bashraheel, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of “Al-Ayyam” newspaper, Al-Awlaqi affirmed the readiness of NSMA to provide aspects of support and assistance to media centers and institutions in effectively performing their media roles and national tasks and duties.