Head of STC’s Executive in Hadramout meets commander of special forces in the governorates of “Aden – Lahj – Abyan – Al-Dhalea”

The Head of the Executive Body of the Local Leadership of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Hadramout governorate, Brigadier General Saeed Ahmed Al-Mohammadi, in his office in Mukalla, on Sunday, met Major General Fadl Abdullah Ba’ish, Commander of the Special Security Forces for the governorates of (Aden – Lahj – Abyan – Al-Dhalea).
Al-Mohammadi expressed his warm welcome to the visit of the brave leader, Fadl Ba’ish, to Hadramout, wishing him a pleasant stay and a successful visit to the governorate.
Ba’ish praised the atmosphere of security and stability in Mukalla and the coastal regions of Hadramout, reaffirming the support of the southern forces and all the people of the South for the struggles and demands of the people of Hadramout to liberate their valley, control their wealth and manage all their affairs by themselves.
Ba’ish indicated that the southerners are able to liberate what remains of their land and fulfill their national entitlement to restore their state, by gathering their ranks and powers, strengthening the southern home front, and being aware and vigilant to confront and thwart conspiracies.