Head of Transitional Council Executive in Shabwa calls for general mobilization and support for Giants’ forces
The head of the executive body of the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Shabwa governorate, Brigadier Ali Ahmed al-Jabwani, called on the citizens of Shabwa to mobilize and support their brothers in the Giants Brigades (AL-AMALIKA) to liberate Shabwa.
In a press statement, he said: Shabwa has made great sacrifices and has been subjected to the worst forms of torture during the past years since the occupation of the south in 1994, and the struggle is still continuing.
Al-Jabwani added: We are continuing, and today we are facing with the Arab coalition a fateful battle against the Iranian-backed Houthis, and we call on the people of Shabwa to mobilize and support their brothers in the giant brigades who are fighting battles of honor and heroism in Bayhan, while those who are supposed to liberate it are at the oil wells, stressing that Shabwa must be defended, in addition to the heroes of the giants brigades, with all our support and aid.
He concluded his statement by saying: Today, southern blood has mixed with each other, and that everyone is in one trench, and the occupiers must be uprooted wherever they are.