HEC Holds Periodic Meeting for June

The Higher Economic Committee (HEC) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting for the month of June today, Wednesday, in the capital, Aden, chaired by Dr. Mohammed Ali Mattash, head of the HEC.
At the start of the meeting, the committee congratulated the grand success of the Southern Consultative Meeting and the signing of the Southern National Charter. It also valued the convening of the sixth session of the National Assembly, which was held in Al-Mukalla, Hadramout.
The meeting discussed the overall conditions that the South is going through due to the deterioration of public services that directly affect people’s livelihoods without making any noticeable solutions, noting that the government is the main cause behind such deterioration and suffering as it employs for political purposes and plunders accumulated funds for self-enrichment.
The meeting underpinned the statement issued by the Presidium of the STC yesterday, Tuesday, and the decision of the governor of the capital, Aden, to halt supplying the revenues of the governorate to the Central Bank.
The meeting recommended a range of solutions and suggestions that would cleanse the corrupt officials and hold them accountable, as well as the importance of accelerating the restructuring of all state ministries and institutions.
The meeting also reviewed the activities of the HEC during the two meetings and discussed the reports on its agenda.