South Arabia

Holding consultative meeting for media and journalists in Hadhramaut valley and desert

The consultative meeting of media and journalists of Hadhramaut Valley and Desert districts was held on Monday, in the city of Seiyun, under the auspices of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council.
In the meeting, Mohammed Mohsen Al-Kathiri, Director of the Organizational Department of the Council’s Assisting Executive Authority, said that it is a step on the road to preparing for the first general conference for southern media and journalists scheduled in the capital, Aden.
Al-Kathiri pointed out the keenness of the leadership of the Council in Hadhramaut valley is to support the southern human rights union, which aims to unify the efforts of southern journalists and media professionals.
The meeting reviewed violations against southern journalists, their suffering as a result of exclusion and marginalization, and the systematic destruction of southern media institutions.
The meeting touched on the role of the Southern Media and Journalists Conference in addressing this suffering, marginalization and exclusion by formulating new foundations for the development of press freedoms and the organization of southern press and media work.

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