Honoring Major General Bin Brik with a symbolic gift from the artist, Mohammed Bin Ismail, in appreciation of Bin Brik’s national roles

Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council, Chairman of the National Assembly, received on Wednesday, in the city of Mukalla, a symbolic gift from the artist and designer Mohammed Abdullah bin Ismail, in appreciation of his national roles and efforts for the South in general and Hadramout in particular.
Major General bin Brik received the gift in the presence of members of the Transitional Council’s executive in Hadramout and Al-Shihr, in which Major General bin Brik expressed his appreciation for this generous gesture, indicating that Hadramout with its history, national value, and southern cultural and civilizational heritage deserves all attention and appreciation, extending his thanks to the artist Mohammed Abdullah bin Ismail , for his valuable gift.
For his part, the artist and designer, Mohammed Abdullah bin Ismail, indicated that this gift is considered a simple thing in light of the great efforts made by Major General Bin Brik for the South and Hadramout.
The gift was a masterpiece designed by the artist Mohammed Abdullah bin Ismail, which bore the symbolism of one of the southern natural landmarks, and a design representing the famous Tree of the Blood of the Two Brothers in Socotra, in addition to another artwork representing a model of the Eset Socotra tree.