Human Rights team from General Secretariat and National Assembly inspects refugee camp in Kharaz

SMA NEWS – Aden the capital
A team from the Human Rights Department of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, headed by Dr. Abdulaziz Ali Hadi, the deputy head of the department, and with the participation of lawyer Siham al-Radfani, deputy head of Human Rights Committee in the National Assembly, paid a field visit to the refugee camp in Kharaz in the Madhareba district of Lahj governorate.
During the visit, the team inspected the conditions of the refugees and checked out on their problems, concerns, and their necessary needs, as well as paid a visit to the camp’s market, water tanks and the camp’s health unit.
Dr. Abdulaziz Hadi said that this visit comes out of a humanitarian standpoint and on the occasion of the World Refugee Day.
Dr. Abdulaziz added: “The concern for refugee issues should be above all differences and conflicts, as refugees are the ones who pay the price for those conflicts and human rights violations.”
He stressed that the governorates of the South have embraced many refugees fleeing the scourge of war in search of security and dignity, which the governorates of the South have.
Abdulaziz praised the efforts made by the High Commissioner for Refugees to manage the camp and provide protection, food, health and educational needs to the refugees.
The team was received by Lieutenant-General Ahmed Al-Zubayri, Acting Director General of the camp, the Director of Security and Safety related to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.