South Arabia

Humanitarian Aids Commission of the Southern Transitional Council to Al-Mehra Discusses the Mechanism for Providing Aids to Beneficiaries

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Mehra – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Humanitarian Aids Commission of the Southern Transitional Council to those who are affected by the Laban hurricane disaster in Al-Mehra held its first meeting on Sunday October 21st 2018 in the headquarters of the council in Al-Ghaida. The meeting was headed by Dr. Sohair Ali Ahmed, head of the commission and was attended by Hassan Mahdy Hassan, vice chairman of the local leadership of the council in Al-Mehra and deputy of the commission.
The meeting discussed damages, its nature and its locations in all directorates and the mechanism of work for the commission and other parties to participate in choice, monitoring and execution to guarantee providing rightful beneficiaries with aids according to their needs.
The commission will continue work on Monday to finish final arrangements with presence of members of local leaderships of the most affected directorates.

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