South Arabia

Imam of Mudrem Mosque: The Coming State of the South will be the State of Law, Order and Equal Citizenship

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Aden [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Imam of Al-Gomaa pryer in MKuderm mosque, sheikh Waddah Omar Al-Subaihy, said: the coming southern state will be the state of law, oerder, social justice and equal citizenship where security, stability and dignity prevail. To comfort the crowds, sheikh Al-Subaihy indicated that the upcoming days will witness major changes for the good of the southern people. He indicated that major decisions will be taken during the next few days and assured the southern people that the south is sticking to its way till victory and independence.

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