South Arabia

Important Statement about {reparations of the Southern Transitive Council for Celebrations of the 54th Anniversary of the Glorious 14th October Revolution

[su_label type=”info”] SAMA News [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] The supreme committee of revolutionary events of the Southern Transitive Council issued an important statement about the preparations for celebrating the 54th anniversary of the glorious 24th October Revolution.
Our dear fellow strivers of the peaceful southern movement and its liberation revolution and mighty resistance. You who are fighting for the fair cause of the south and still loyal to the rights of martyrs till every grain of the southern sand are liberated. Our dear fellow citizens of the south:
In the light of our current complex situation is increasing in complexity every second due to multiple parties and conflicted interests, we have no other choice except our peaceful revolution that we are all sticking to. We assure you that we are fully determined to express our goals with every available means and in every occasion especially our national southern events that reflect our contemporary history as a free state and free nation with independent national identity that will never be dissolved by any internal or external projects seeking to demolish it since our liberation movement against the British colonization.
Dear fellow citizens: we are preparing for a very important national event that celebrates the efforts and soles of liberation fighters who sacrificed themselves for our patriotic cause. In the meantime, we are going on our way, fighting against barbarian occupation started in 1994 and led to full domination of our state, land and identity.
According to our patriotic responsibility, a consultative meeting was held among several southern forces and figures for preparing to the events of October 24th and November 30th.the meeting aimed to integrate all faithful efforts in the committees preparing for these events. The meeting led to major agreements on the following:
Brigadier General Saleh Ali Zonkol was nominated as a president of the committee while Zahra Saleh, Khaled Al-Fiady, Salem Saleh Al-Diany and Gamal Motlek. are nominated as deputies.
The organization committee headed by Fadl Abd Al-Elah and Adel Al-Houthary and Gamal Masoud as deputies.
Services committee headed by Aisha Taleb and Nasr Taher Afrour and Waddah Al-Awsagy as deputies.
Athletic committee headed by Abu Bakr Ali Al-Bakry and Abd El-Fattah Besara and Mithak Saleh Yousef as deputies.
Security committee headed by Hussain Abd El-Naby Al-Souby and Mohamed Said Al-Osaity and Mohamed Saleh Al-Ammary as deputies
Medical services committee headed by Dr. Mohamed Saleh Al-Yazidy and Dr. Amin Al-Senmy as deputy.
Financial committee headed by Samy Khiran and Diaa Mhourek as deputy
Mobilization committee headed by Anis Said Al-Gardamy and Abd El-Hameed Al- Darwish as deputy
Mobilization committee in Adan headed by Nagy Al-Araby and Abd El-Rahman Gandy as deputy.
Media committee headed by Dr. Abdullah Al-Haw
Dear fellow citizens: while preparing for these events we think it is better that event take place in several days starting from October 10th 2017 with athletic, artistic and cultural events that reflect our real independent patriotic identity of the south. We call for all fellow citizens to mobilize and participate in all events till the main day of the million-festival when General Aidarous Al-Zubaidy, President of the Southern Transitive Council speaks to the nation.
Success of these events is a message indicated that our ancestors’ revolution in 1964 is still moving and we, the grandchildren of those heroes, will never surrender till our Southern Federal Democratic Independent State is restored. It is a message to those who dream of restoring occupation and those who conspire on the true blood of martyrs that the free south is bigger than their illusions and greed and that their experiences of conspiracy and dirty work with Saleh’s regimen will do them no good.
Victory for the south, glory for martyrs, healing for the injured and freedom for captives and in front of them the Hero “Ahmed Omar Al-Abady Al-Markashy”.
It is a revolution till full victory for our beloved south from Al-Mehra in the east to Bab El-Mandeb in the west and its eternal capital Aden.

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