South Arabia

In a Clear Interview, President Al-Zubaidi Says: “Our Patience Towards the Government’s Humiliation Approaches its End, and We Are Committed with our People’s expectations and Will Remain In Front Lines Till We Restore Our Southern State”.

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Follow-ups. [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] In an interview with ERAM News, General Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, president of the southern transitional council was very clear about all issues. SMA News is republishing the most significant points as said by Al-Zubaidi:
• Our patience on Ben Daghar’s government is about to end and there is nothing strange in rapprochement between the “Legitimacy” and UAE
• This particular government is an enemy and there will be no solutions until it is dismissed. This government humiliated the people and denied them of their simplest rights. Anyway, it will be dismissed in the right time.
• The southern transitional council appeared in a difficult stage. It was born amid real war to retrieve the southern people’s right of self-determination in addition to creating their own future and maintaining their achievements, struggle and sacrifices for long decades.
• Our southern people are our real support. They are the sword that terrified all enemies who don’t want any political rights for the south. The council is committed to achieving our people’s expectations. We will remain loyal to them and we will become in front lines till we restore our southern state.
• Nothing strange in the rapprochement between the legitimacy and UAE. UAE never kept away from the legitimacy but the legitimacy did as Muslim Brotherhood wing in the legitimacy, in addition to other self-serving parties and other extremists, didn’t like Arab Coalition policies initiated by UAE.
• UAE came to restore the legitimacy but the definition of legitimacy for Muslim Brotherhood and other parties inside the legitimacy is very different. These parties think that legitimacy means that UAE supports the south to liberate lands and then deliver it to them. this did not, and will never, happen.
• Our existence and our strength are not identified by the relationship between the legitimacy and UAE. We are with the Arab Coalition from the first day and this is our clear position.
• We did our duties as real partners and defeated the aggressors and conquerors while others failed to do so.
• Today, we are on the ground and we have the upper hand. We have all capabilities and potentials to defend ourselves, our people and our cause.
• The media area where our enemies play against us will not change the reality of our existence as a powerful force.
• We still demand the dismissal of Ben Daghar’s government. People in Aden and all over the south are very patient. But they will act if this patience goes off and I think this will be very soon.
• The southern transitional council has a clear political project. It represents a political reference for the rightful southern cause. The council is a legal representative of the south and can lead the path steadily. But this doesn’t negate the existence of other southern persons who support other agendas, even if they are a minority.
• The council has an international and UN understanding. We are communicating with all active countries in our country. Our offices abroad are opened in several countries. For sure, we will concentrate our diplomatic work with our friends, allies and brothers.
• The council is at the same distance from all neighboring countries. No doubt that we interacted with our brothers in the Arab Coalition and our blood mixed with theirs. They are our support and ally. But this doesn’t mean the council belongs to anyone. We are southern and will remain so forever till we restore our independent state, God wills.

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